
We'll help get you started with our vetted resources and partners

We know it can feel overwhelming to begin finding help for a child who misuses substances and struggles with mental health. We’ve curated trustworthy resources for you to get connected sooner and with more confidence, so your child gets the help they need.

free e-books

Worried Sick: A compassionate Guide for parents of teens or young adults misusing substances

This free guide will answer questions you have about how to approach your child when they’re misusing drugs and alcohol. It provides insights you need to stay positive and strategies for motivating your child to change – and even to accept help.

HINDSIGHT: Three things I wish I knew when My son Was misusing substances

HINDSIGHT contains valuable information I needed when my son dove into a high-risk lifestyle and began misusing drugs and alcohol. It provides vital and research-backed information to help you think in new ways about your child’s challenges.

Helpful Links

Partnership To End Addiction

The Partnership to End Addiction is the nation’s leading organization dedicated to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery.  Find education resources and services – all offered free of charge, in English and Spanish.

Sky's The Limit Fund

Sky’s the Limit Fund (STLF) serves families of adolescents and young adults suffering from mental health issues, substance use disorders and addiction. The nonprofit organization provides financial assistance to help families afford the high cost of a nature-based therapy program for their struggling child. Each family that receives financial assistance from STLF is also eligible to apply for Coaching Service to ensure a successful transition back home.

This directory is a step in finding the range of interventions, treatment types, or an expert for your teen or young adult who needs mental health and substance use care.

Therapeutic Consulting Assoc.

The Therapeutic Consulting Association (TCA) is a professional association for Therapeutic Consultants and other Referring Professionals. Visit their website to search for a therapeutic educational consultant who can help find the right resource, program or placement for your child.

recommended reading

Beyond Addiction: How Science and Kindness Help People Change

The most innovative leaders in progressive addiction treatment in the US offer a groundbreaking, science-based guide to helping loved ones overcome addiction problems and compulsive behaviors.

The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends: Evidence-Based Skills to Help a Loved One Make Positive Change

From the authors of Beyond Addiction, this healing and supportive workbook offers practical, evidence-based skills to help you address substance use or other compulsive behaviors with your loved one in a productive way—without creating conflict.

What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

Our earliest experiences shape our lives far down the road, and What Happened to You? provides powerful scientific and emotional insights into the behavioral patterns so many of us struggle to understand.

The Parallel Process: Growing Alongside Your Adolescent or Young Adult Child in Treatment

For many parents of troubled teenagers, a therapeutic program that takes the child from the home for a period of time offers some respite from the daily tumult of acting out, lies, and tension that has left the family under siege. However, just as the teenager is embarking on a journey of self-discovery, skill-development, and emotional maturation, so parents too need to use this time to recognize that their own patterns may have contributed to their family’s downward spiral. This is The Parallel Process.

The Journey of the Heroic Parent: Your Child's Struggle & The Road Home

When a child is hurting, it can be the most painful challenge a parent will face. With compassion and perspective, Dr. Brad Reedy offers hope and wisdom for children who struggle and the parents who love them. The Journey of the Heroic Parent will take you on a journey to a happier, healthier relationship with your struggling child – and yourself.

H.O.M.E.: Strategies for making home a success during and after treatment

Recognizing the survival mode in which your family has been living, experiencing the overwhelm of grief and loss, accepting your own strengths and struggles, and feeling desperate for solutions are just a few heart-wrenching steps you may experience with an adolescent or young adult in out-of-home mental and behavioral health treatment. If you are on this path, you might feel isolated and confused as you wade through the waters of the treatment process with your family. H.O.M.E. offers insight into the journey of wilderness therapy and other treatment experiences.

hopestream podcast playlists

We’ve curated special playlists for you to get started on your path to help, hope and healing.